Wisewould Mahony – Website Privacy Policy

1. About this policy

1.1 Wisewould Mahony (ABN 26 965 814 421)(we, us or our) is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) set out in Schedule 3 of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)(as amended from time to time).This Policy sets out how we collect, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the APPs.

1.2 By using the website located at acu.wisewouldmahony.com.au(the Website) which is owned and operated by us, you consent to the privacy and data practices described in this Policy.

1.3 We may change this Policy at any time.You should regularly check the Website for changes to the Policy.

1.4 You should not use or submit personal information to the Website if you do not agree to this Policy.

2. Personal information

2.1 In order to offer the services provided on the Website, we will collect personal information about you.

2.2 Personal information collected by us may include:

2.3 If you choose not to provide us with certain personal information, we may not be able to provide you with the products you require.

3. Collection of personal information

We collect personal information from customers in the following ways:

3.1 Directly from a student when the student provides the information directly to us in person, by phone or in writing, including forms submitted on the Website;

3.2 From third parties such as our related companies, credit reporting agencies or a customer’s representative; and

3.3 From publicly available sources of information.

4. Use of personal information

We may use your personal information for the following purposes:

4.1 To deliver the products you purchase, including collecting payment of the price and delivery fees;

4.2 To research, develop and improve the Website and other services provided by us or proposed to be provided by us;

4.3 To verify information you provide, including your identity, other checks to prevent fraud; and

4.4 To promote and market our products to you (unless you have contacted us to advise that you would not like to be contacted for promotional and marketing purposes).

5. Disclosure of personal information

We may disclose your personal information to other individuals and organisations for the purposes of providing you with the products on the Website, including:

5.1 Our officers, employees, contractors and agents;

5.2 Service providers engaged by us to assist it in providing the products, including information technology providers, marketing market research advisers and professional advisers; and

5.3 Government and statutory authorities as provided by law.

6. Access to personal information and accuracy

6.1 If at any time you want to know exactly what personal information we hold about you or wish to access, update or correct your personal information, please contact us at enquiries@wisemah.com.au.

7. Anonymous information and cookies

7.1 When you access the Website, we may record anonymous information such as your IP address, the time and date you accessed the Website, how you were referred to the Website and the pages you accessed.

7.2 Cookies may be used by us to enable a student to be provided with the full range of services offered, to remember the customer’s preferences, to measure and analyse usage of the Website and for security.

7.3 You may adjust your Internet browser to disable cookies, however this may result in you not being able to access the full range of services offered on the Website.

7.4 The Website may include links to third party websites who may collect personal information through the use of cookies and otherwise.The Website is not responsible for personal information collected by third party websites.

8. Security

8.1 Personal information collected by us is stored securely to reasonably protect you from the misuse, loss and unauthorised access, modifications or disclosure of your personal information.

8.2 Any personal information collected will be stored in hard copy and/ or in computer files.All personal information is maintained in a secure environment which can be accessed by authorised personnel only.Data(including personal data) submitted by you may be held in secure servers located in Australia.We use secure technology for on- line transactions to protect personal details including credit card information.

8.3 Personal information will be destroyed or permanently de- identified when it is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was collected.

9. Links to other sites

This Site may contain links to other sites.We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.Please refer to our Terms and Conditions of Use for further information,

10. Contact details

If you would like more information about our Privacy Policy, or if would like to make a complaint or access or change your personal information please contact our Privacy Officer at enquiries@wisemah.com.au.